Natural Anti Wrinkle serum at home!

Have you ever wondered why does wrinkle happen?
Let me tell you, Age. But then why does some people look in their 20s even when they are in their 50s? Do you want to be one among them? Then read on!

Hydration is the trick! When your skin is hydrated, the elasticity in them is retained to a great extend. And thus wrinkle formation is reduced to its maximum. 

Hydration of skin is important both internally and externally.

Internally: Internally, hydration can be assured, by drinking a minimum of 2 litres of water.  But then again than the quantity of water you drink, how you drink matters. If you drink a huge amount of water together, it would not be much of a use than a frequent sipping of water. The amount of water will vary according to the humidity level in your area. If the humidity level is lower then you need to sip on more water than a mere 2 litres.and other wise, 2 litres will be adequate.
External:  Depending on the type of your body or where you dwell, the hydration you take internally may or may not show or reflect on your skin and this solution helps you solve that. Depending on your type of skin please follow the following steps:

Oily skin: Oily skin is good in being hydrated as they have all essential oils in their skin already therefor a light hydrant is apt for this skin type. The following link will take you to the steps to make your wrinkles reduce to almost nil in no time.


Dry Skin: Wrinkles are a big problem to this skin type and the following link will take you to a page that will help you make your own dry skin hydrant. It is tried and tested.


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