5 common mistakes in parenting

Parents would do anything for their kids, so much that some actions may effect them in a bad way.. Common mistakes parents do bringing up their child:
  1. Being too friendly or too strict: 
Children love friendly parents but being too friendly will give them the idea of being equal to you. How this will effect them? They will not find it necessary to follow your advice especially if it is against their preferences. This can result in your child being uncontrollable and spoilt.
Being too strict, on the other hand, can cause insecurity and low confidence in your child. Besides this, your child will also grow up to be a rebel which may prompt him/her to take bad decisions.
Therefore, a combination of both the styles is ideal for child development. Even though the relationship between a parent and the child should be friendly, the child must acknowledge that the parent has the authority to guide the child against their will when needed. 

2. No Punishments or Unkept Punishments: 

Punishments are necessary for a mistake done by your child. Because it is the only way a child practically understands the relationship between a choice and a consequence. Physically harming the children in the name of punishment is a big "NO NO" as these physical assaults may scar their personality permanently. The ideal way to punish your child for the mistakes they have done is through actions as standing in a 'bad child corner' for a duration, a time out from their favourite activities and such depending on the age of your child. The punishment should be strictly followed so that the child realises that .
"When you make a choice, you choose the consequence as well".

3. Breaking a promise:

A child, looks upon his/her parents much more than you realise. And so, when you promise a play time or a story to your child, he/she waits eagerly for the moment you fulfil your promise. When you break a promise, no matter how small it is, you break the trust between you and your child. When this becomes continuous, the child starts feeling insecure, and unimportant and gradually start to detach from you. So, next time you break a promise with your child, make sure to apologise to him/her and compensate the broken promise with another promise kept.

4.Not being expressive:

Any child, as a matter of fact is expressive. It is only when they grow up do they become introverts, extroverts and ambiverts. It is absolutely important to express your love to the child, for him/her to understand your love for them. Children believe what they see than what they are told. So, no matter what your personality is remember to show your love to your child wholeheartedly.

5. Arguments and Fights :

You and your partner are the 2 most important people in your child's life. And he/she doesn't understand your misunderstandings.When you fight or argue in front of your child, with your partner, you are in other words encouraging habits of over thinking, fear, stress and insecurity in your child. These negativity will later on develop into mental and physical health problems like anxiety. 

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